Support Patients in Need!
A stay at our hospital is the only chance to get medical care for several thousand inhabitants of the area of Ntamugenga in Northern Kivu. In this particularly dangerous part of the world, we provide everyday treatment for patients suffering from hunger disease and serious malaria, we conduct surgeries and blood transfusions, assist child deliveries and conduct Caesarean sections. See how you can help us save the life and health of patients of the hospital.
Our Angels have no wings, but thanks to support provided by wonderful people, they do wonders in Lebanon, Burkina Faso, in Togo, in a hospital in Congo (DRC), a hospice in Rwanda, in a nutrition center in Mauretania and in a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. Despite the difficult conditions of their work, they prove that together we can push the boundaries of what is possible. You can join the Team of Angels, too!
Our online charity store GoodWorks 24/7 is the best offer on the market! Here the profits are always greater than the costs! 24 hours a day, with no effort at all, you invest in Good with us. Only in GoodWorks 24/7 you get a full warranty that your money will be well spent and transferred where it is needed most!
5 euro is really A LOT. Donated regularly, every week, it means that after a short time we can provide a therapeutic meal for a child suffering from malnutrition. When there are thousands of us, those fives turn into hundreds of thousands of euros, allowing us to respond in places where poverty, wars, and humanitarian crises strip people of their health, dignity, and lives. Set up a standing order for 5 euro weekly and gain a chance to visit the places where your donations are changing human stories.
“That so many of us manage to eat every day is a miracle; that so many don’t is vile.” Martin Caparros.
I am extremely grateful that the Good Factory that I support is working miracles
The Good Factory is essential. It gives us the opportunity to connect and tackle the most hopeless issues together
The Good Factory is a place of good people – for the good of others. Those who create it are great role models for me and I know that they are fully dedicated to helping those who have been less fortunate. I am extremely grateful to have been able to join you and to “produce” good together with you!