5/5 vs. COVID-19


How do you stay at home when you don’t have one? Or practice social distancing in an overcrowded refugee camp? What about washing your hands or disinfecting them when you’re missing the basic necessities?

#zostańwdomu is the most important hashtag in the world today, but many people in Poland, Greece, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Mauritania can only dream of having a roof over their heads.

The people we help here at Good Factory count in the tens of thousands. All of them have experienced exclusion, lack of medical care, and have been forced to flee violence. Their journeys often take them to the brink of life and death. They are also at heightened risk of COVID-19.

The initiative 5/5 was created in response to the Coronavirus crisis around the world. It aims to meet both the needs of people in Poland, who can’t stay at home because they don’t have one, but who have been deprived by the virus of the possibility to stay at a shelter, as well as those on the other side of the world, whose situation is even more dire.


Poland. Sister Małgorzata Chmielewska, Adriana Porowska and Camillian Social Assistance Mission, Community of Sant’Egidio Warsaw. We’re all good friends here. We know what situation our Polish community is facing. Food supplies are low, hand disinfectant is long gone, as is protective gear. Sister Małgorzata Chmielewska has been sewing face masks and we’ve already put in an order for disinfectant. We need to stock up on food immediately!

The refugee situation on the Greek island of Lesbos is increasingly dramatic. Refugees don’t have a place to sleep, lack access to clean water, food, and hygiene articles.  The exhausted and freezing refugees are truly between a rock and a hard place. There’s no good news for them. There’s only bad news – the pandemic is headed their way.

The largest refugee camp in the world in Bangladesh poses an epidemiological threat of unbelievable scale. Over a million undernourished people with compromised immune systems live in conditions that make it impossible to maintain even basic hygiene.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is still recovering from the second largest ebola epidemic in history. The people we help here lack even basic protection. Every day they get up and do what they can to make a few dollars for food. We help save them from hunger and malaria. We often serve as their last hope in a radius of several dozen kilometers.

In Burkina Faso we are dealing with the dramatic situation of over a million residents who, fearing terrorist attacks, are fleeing to the south of the country and camping out in the capital’s suburbs without any help whatsoever.

GOOD FACTORY IS ALL OF YOU! If you think that you can’t make a difference, you’re very wrong. Your help makes a bigger impact than you can imagine! A donation of just 10 PLN will help us fight the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic in nine countries on three continents, including in Poland, in communities that need our help the most.