A Letter from Szymon Hołownia


My dears,

As you may have already heard, I am starting a new chapter in my professional life. This doesn’t mean that I am closing all the “old” chapters. Both of our foundations, Kasisi and Good Factory, are more than just a workplace to me. They’re my beloved children, who – as children usually do – educated me, showed me the world, expanded my humanity, and gave me so much more than I ever gave them.

I will now focus my efforts on a different area but that doesn’t mean that the foundations will suspend or even limit their operations. In fact, the opposite is true! For the past few months our president, the invaluable Mateusz Gasinski, has been managing our affairs as we continue to launch new projects. We will close this year with a record number of donations and support!  ?

I still remain at the head of the council (supervisory board) of both foundations. Mateusz, board member Ania Kieniewicz and the rest of our wonderful team will continue to develop them while I will provide any support they ask for. I will, however, make sure that it is very clear to anyone supporting our proteges that my political work is completely separate. The foundations have always been and will continue to remain entirely apolitical.

I explain to people who ask about this, and there have been a few people questioning this already, that both foundations will not be financially involved in any capacity in my future campaigns. Your donations have always and will continue to go only to the foundations, providing assistance and supporting the operations. The separation between the two is so large you could say there is a Great Wall of China between the finances of the foundations and my future political campaign!

Tens of thousands of you, the people who did such a wonderful job creating Kasisi and Good Foundation, have made me believe that the impossible is possible. I fully understand that not all of you will support my decision but I can assure you that I do not expect you to. I only ask for one thing – let’s continue developing the foundations and doing good work! The foundations are about the kids, proteges, sick people, students and refugees – not about Szymon Hołownia. Their well-being will always be my priority, which is why I am now stepping back.

And although I have fulfilled my duties as the founder of the organizations by helping to educate not deputies but worthy successors who can do everything I can but better, I am not disappearing, I am not saying goodbye, I am not breaking my good relationships. I am just leaving for a business trip for a while but that doesn’t stop you from being a family, caring about each other and our home! ?

Let’s stay in touch!

Best wishes

Szymon Hołownia