Alimata has been with us for six years now

Burkina Faso

According to the UN, it is one of the least developed countries in the world. It has one of the lowest values of HDI (Human Development Index). It amounts to 0.4, placing Burkina Faso on the 185th place among 188 countries.

  • 43.7% of the society makes less than 1.90 USD per day
  • the youth literacy index is 52.5%, which makes it one of the lowest in the world
  • only 37.7% people aged 15 or more can read and write
  • 80% of the employed population works in agriculture
We teach resourcefulness and the basics of farming to about


families from the village of Gourcy
We are training


women for the profession of a dressmaker


Alimata has been with us for six years now and has not yet got a job, although employment is her second biggest dream. Second, because she is the mum of the disabled boy whose story we reminded you of yesterday – and nothing is more important to her than her beloved son’s return to health.

The 27-year-old started a course in cutting and sewing and learning to read at our sewing centre in Gourcy last year, but absences due to childcare meant she had to take a break. We provided her child with rehabilitation and further medical appointments, which enabled her to return to sewing, but the weekly journey to school was a problem for her.

A reminder: completing such a three-year course is basically a guarantee of getting a job in Burkina Faso. 62% of Burkina Faso’s population over the age of 15 cannot read or write. Completing the school is a real distinction.

And that’s when YOU came to the rescue by funding her weekly trips to tailoring school. Alimata has not wasted this opportunity; she regularly attends classes and is an exemplary student.

There is a reason we are telling you the woman’s story today. We are celebrating International Education Day. For Alimata, education is a chance for a peaceful future in which she can take care of herself and her son. You can give her such an opportunity today by giving Alimata a Bouquet of Good that we will turn into more days of learning.