Christmas with the poor


More than 500 guests, each one with a personal invitation previously handed to them on the streets, in vacant lots and plots of land and in outpatient clinics. A personalized placemat, a variety of Christmas dishes, live music, a gift for each guest. This is what Christmas with the Poor was like, a festive Christmas dinner organized by the Sant’Egidio community for people in a homelessness crisis as well as those who have no loved ones to spend Christmas with.

Good Factory has been helping Warsaw’s homeless population for three years. This year, thanks to you, during our Christmas festivities, we handed out a hundred sets of warm jackets and shoes to those in need. Thank you for being there with us and helping the underserved dreams come true! Check out what yesterday’s celebrations were like!

Winter isn’t over yet. You can purchase a warm set at any time in our Good 24/7 store.