Good Factory has provided winter clothing for 2,500 children from Ukraine


On the 24th of February 2022, Russia launched a military offensive into Ukraine, causing civilian casualties and destroying the country’s infrastructure. More than a quarter of the population has been forced to flee their homes. In the first few weeks, more than 4.3 million refugees fled Ukraine, and a second as many were internally displaced. It is the fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II.

We cannot be indifferent to the suffering of our neighbours – we immediately set out to help!

We provided humanitarian assistance for


Ukrainians who stayed in the country


“Will you clothe 2,500 children from Ukraine?” – We will !

We are just finishing the distribution of warm clothes and shoes for Ukrainian children from dozens of reception points all over Poland. A few weeks ago, identifying the needs of the youngest Ukrainian visitors, we heard that this is exactly what they were missing. The wardrobe of many of the kids still only counted a few pieces of clothing, hurriedly packed while fleeing the bombed estates.

Katya doesn’t even have the head to think about where to look for support and dress her children warmly. All she can think about is her brother, who a few days ago, while fighting on the front line in Bachmut, stepped on a Russian mine. He survived, but his condition is serious.

Each of our charges has difficult memories behind them. We will not solve all their problems, but we can make things easier for them. The Good Factory is in Puławy, Lublin today, and in a moment we will be in Warsaw and Szczecin. The aid was funded by the American organisation Mercy Corps, and the Good Factory team has once again proved that nothing is impossible by responding to the individual needs of almost 2,500 children.

We really rose to the challenge of tailoring the aid to provide everyone with shoes and clothes in their size. We did it!

We need to dry out the buildings as quickly as possible

Urgent help for flood victims

The most vulnerable are the elderly and disabled, living in remote rural areas and small towns, where reaching them is difficult. You’ll be informed about every penny spent to help them. 100% of the funds raised will go directly towards targeted, precise aid tailored to the needs of those affected.

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We already have :
148,295 EUR
We need:
111,111 EUR