Dear Good Factory Friends, we would like to thank you today.

Democratic Republic of Congo

The second largest country of Africa, full of paradoxes. On one hand, it is rich in natural resources (including cobalt, copper, coltan, crude oil, diamonds, gold); on the other hand, its inhabitants are among the poorest in the world. For decades, the DRC has been suffering from prolonged conflicts that have led to one of the most severe humanitarian crises in the world.

  • 77% of the population live in extreme poverty for less than $1.90 a day
  • 16% of the country’s population, i.e. over 13 million people, require immediate humanitarian assistance
  • 13,6 million people are deprived of access to safe water sources and proper sanitary and hygienic facilities
  • numerous outbreaks of deadly diseases, including measles, malaria, cholera and Ebola
  • about 10% of all malaria deaths in sub-Saharan Africa occurred here
Our hospital carries over

26 000

medical procedures per year
We treat about

6 000

malaria patients every year
Our midwives delivered about


babies in 2024


Dear Good Factory Friends,

Together with the Good Factory team, we would like to thank you today.

When exactly one year ago at this time we were planning tasks for 2022, we did not know that the war in Ukraine would turn all these plans on their head. Above all, it has turned the plans and dreams of Ukrainians upside down. It has triggered a global crisis that is affecting our loved ones, our neighbours in Poland and the charges of the Good Factory in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso, Lebanon and everywhere.

We rushed to Ukraine in the first hours of the war and have stayed there ever since. We know exactly who needs rescuing and have learnt how to get help on the ground in no time. After 10 months of conflict, the Good Factory Ukraine is operating in Kiev and the aid we delivered to the site was worth PLN 2,129,852.87. Tens of thousands of people in Ukraine already know very well what the Good Factory is – and the Good Factory is YOU!

Thanks to you, we doubled the value of the aid donated this year. We sent more than PLN 5.5 million to all our projects. Thanks to you, we are still looking after a hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has been under rebel occupation for several months. For tens of thousands of North Kivu residents, this is the only medical facility that has been operating continuously since the beginning of yet another Congolese war. You are the ones who have ensured that more than 250 chronically ill Lebanese have not had to give up their medical treatment, that a pharmacy in Togo, a vocational school for girls in Senegal, an agricultural cooperative in Burkina Faso, a hospice in Rwanda, a nutrition centre in Mauritania and support for the Rohingya people in Bangladesh, in the world’s largest refugee camp, are still operating. In Greece, we are no longer just feeding the most vulnerable, we are now giving refugees jobs in the Home Village agricultural project.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for us to ask you to support these places. We know it is difficult to share when everything has become expensive and uncertain in our country too. This makes us all the more THANKFUL that the people we met and could not ignore have become close to you too! They only have you!

All of this would not have happened without you, but today a low bow and great respect also goes to the wonderful Good Factory team that I have the honour of leading. There are a handful of us, but everyone has shown this year that nothing is impossible. We really do believe in it!

We ask you for just one more thing. Five zloty! If you are already high-fiving us, please check that your standing order for 5 zloty a week is still working. If you don’t yet know what “High Five’ is, or know someone who doesn’t, please click on the link in the comments and start the new year as a High Fiver! With us, no donations are too small and a regular donation of PLN 5 can ensure that, just thanks to you, we don’t have to say no to anyone!

Thank you,

Mateusz Gasiński