
Emma needs our help!


A country in western Africa, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. It became independent of France on the 4th of April 1960. It is one of the most politically stable countries in Africa. Nevertheless, it remains among the countries with the lowest level of social development. Almost a half of the country’s area is occupied by farming land, but farming is becoming increasingly difficult due to frequent climate shocks. The highest temperature of 48.8 °C has been recorded in Matam.

  • 38% of the society lives below the threshold of poverty, that is, for less than 1.90 USD per day
  • the employment rate in Senegal is 50.6%
  • 44% of the working population is engaged in farming
  • only 13.9% of the population aged 25 or more has any post-elementary education
  • the literacy index among the youth aged 15 to 24 is 69.8%
We pay for education of

56 girls

at the vocational school in Dakar


of our graduates work in their profession
We co-finance

the cooperative

where 10 graduates of our Foyer are learning entrepreneurship, basic finance, and organizational skills while providing sewing, catering, beauty, and hairdressing services


Emma needs our help! You’ve already heard about our school for girls in Dakar, where thanks to you 56 teenagers are learning a trade. 56 students equal 56 unique stories, often as difficult as the story of Emma Corea. See how our meeting with her went!

Emma suffers from a deformed hip joint. Before she came to our school, she tried to find a solution to her problem on her own. She was able to find specialist doctors who said they could help her but that the surgery would cost 1,000 Euro. When she returned home to tell her parents that this is how much it would cost to make her dreams come true, they had to disappoint her. They struggle to make ends meet and the cost of surgery was simply too much for the family to shoulder. Emma sang in a local choir so she reached out to her pastor to ask for help but he, too, was helpless. She also turned to her local Caritas but it’s been two years and she still hasn’t heard back. She finally came to our school and passed her exams with flying colors. Sister Ewa accepted her on the spot but was concerned that her health problems would hinder her progress at school and stand in the way of her graduating. In just a few weeks, Emma started trusting the sisters and opening up. She shared with them her biggest dream – to start a family and to be able to walk like other girls.

DEAR GOOD FACTORY PATRONS – there’s not much to say except that we have work to do!

We made a promise to Emma that we would pay for her surgery. Can we ease her suffering, change her life and make one of her biggest dreams come true?

We can raise 1,000 Euro if just 215 people spend 20 PLN on, perhaps, the best goal today. Let us create GOOD!