Burkina Faso

According to the UN, it is one of the least developed countries in the world. It has one of the lowest values of HDI (Human Development Index). It amounts to 0.4, placing Burkina Faso on the 185th place among 188 countries.
- 43.7% of the society makes less than 1.90 USD per day
- the youth literacy index is 52.5%, which makes it one of the lowest in the world
- only 37.7% people aged 15 or more can read and write
- 80% of the employed population works in agriculture
It’s been three years since we are in Gourcy and we help the inhabitants of this small village in a very harsh, hot and dry climate. We do everything to ensure that the opportunities for the development of small farms are not taken away by a progressive desertification of the surrounding areas. In fact, in Burkina Faso we realize all four of Good Factory’s pillars of good.
We Provide Food
Lettuce, beetroot, tomatoes, green beans, onions, potatoes, radishes, zucchinis, eggplants. All this is growing thanks to you, on a two-hectare garden also sponsored by you. The radishes especially are causing a big sensation, since no one here had previously tried them. The diet of the villagers has changed a great deal in this last year. Continuously digging wells (we are now on number seven), watering the terrain, and caring for the next round of sprouts and seedlings allows the community to eat well and tastily! We don’t have to search for markets to sell our vegetables because demand for our produce is extremely high. Our tasty treats find their way onto tables several hundred kilometers away in the capital city of Ouagadougou.
We Treat
We are watchful to send all those who complain of ailments to get diagnosed and treated. Jeanne Marie was able to undergo eye surgery. Awa has once again regained her strength after gynecological surgery and has already joined the gardening team. Those who aren’t fit to work in the field are invited to join the sewing room. They are given the chance to develop professional skills so that their physical limitations don’t push them out of the job market.
We Teach
The first exams are underway in our sewing room. Candidates must sew a girl’s dress in order to pass. They don’t know that six completely new and modern sewing machines have already arrived in Burkina Faso from Poland. These sewing machines will enhance the students’ skills in the next school year. Meanwhile, several hundred meters away, twenty or so of our brand new gardeners are learning to collect seeds and are planning to increase the yield of the most popular crops.
We Create Jobs
From the very beginning, our main goal has been to bring new jobs to Gourcy. Over the last three years, dozens of new jobs have been created. Farmers regularly sow their fields, mainly with sesame, and grind the seeds in mills provided by us. More than 30 women work in the garden and another 20 will enter the job market as qualified seamstresses shortly.
This is all happening thanks to you! The villagers don’t remember a time of as many opportunities, since the last cotton fields dried up due to climate change.
Help keep our agriculture project developing at this rate by helping us with the digging of another well. Thanks to that a piece of desert will be transformed, give work and feed the community.