No one deserves to go hungry

Democratic Republic of Congo

The second largest country of Africa, full of paradoxes. On one hand, it is rich in natural resources (including cobalt, copper, coltan, crude oil, diamonds, gold); on the other hand, its inhabitants are among the poorest in the world. For decades, the DRC has been suffering from prolonged conflicts that have led to one of the most severe humanitarian crises in the world.

  • 15,6 million people – 18% of the population suffer from hunger
  • 3,4 million children under 5 years are acutely malnourished
  • 41,8% million children under 5 years are stunted
  • 63,2% of children below 5 years of age and 41% of women  15-49 years are anemic
In 2024, we have saved approximately


people from starvation
We take in at least


children a week in our nutrition center


Sometimes there are not enough words to describe the situation of a child like Denise. Everything we want to convey boils down to: It can’t be like this. No one deserves to go hungry, with all its consequences, least of all a child. And anger boils up in us with a predominant (thankfully) need to do something about it.

It is very important that our (and your) anger does not overshadow the most important thing – remembering that we can still save the child’s life. We will do it in time.

There are children for whom there is nothing more we can do, except to be attentive to their often last needs: last meals, painkillers and a tender touch.

For Denise we can still do everything, but we need you to do it. The girl is in a bad way. Without your shares, your material support (which, we remind you, does not pay for the work of the foundation itself!), without this tender presence, even if from the other side of the world – we can do nothing. With the means to buy therapeutic meals, to pay the hospital staff or even the electricity in the socket that powers the hospital – we can give Denise a future. The meal consisting of fresh fish (specially imported from Uganda) and porridge, which you see in the picture, was funded by you.

Today we are celebrating the International Day of Families – a holiday to unite us in caring for each other in these small social units that we identify as Home. Denise badly needs a family who will literally help her get back on her feet. One who will help swap the painful bandages for a head full of hair. One who, by feeding, will restore muscle burned away in the desperate effort her body has made to keep her alive.

Hunger is the easiest disease to cure. Visit GoodWorks 24/7 and give Denise another meal.