We Are Helping Overcome Homelessness!


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Homelessness remains a major social issue in Poland. Tens of thousands of people living on the streets experience social exclusion. At Good Factory, we believe that every person, regardless of their past, has the inalienable right to dignity and respect.

  • there are more than 30,000 homeless people in Poland. 84% of them are men.
  • most of them live in the Mazowieckie, Śląskie and Pomorskie voivodeships
  • every year, more than 100 people in Poland die due to cold-related causes
  • the most common reasons for homelessness are: familial conflict, addiction issues, and eviction

In the winter of 2024, we handed out to the homeless


packs with jackets, sweatshirts, shoes, neck warmers, hats, gloves, sleeping bags, thermoses, and self-heating meals
We have provided the Warsaw City Guard with a substantial

supply of warm clothing

, which will be used during intervention patrols
We prepared


Christmas packages with warm hats, neck warmers, gloves, socks, sweets and hygiene products for the participants of the Christmas Eve gathering


“You know, I feel that those new shoes you gave him have carried him into a new life! – writes Lena, a City Guard officer, with whom we distribute Warm Packs.

Edward made the best possible decision—he returned to his hometown and agreed to stay in a social welfare center. Here, it will be easier for him to rebuild his life. Where will he start? Definitely with treatment for his long-standing back issues, which have made it impossible for him to work. The rest of his story will be written by him, but he won’t be alone. This time, he has many friends who support him.

Every hat, jacket, and pair of socks matters. Small gestures, acts of kindness, and simply showing interest in a person can build hope that life can be different. People who experience homelessness stop feeling invisible.

We’re not slowing down—charity doesn’t end with the end of Christmas, and the freezing temperatures are relentless. Thank you for every złoty donated to the purchase of Warm Packs, and we encourage you to continue your support. Only thanks to you, together with the Warsaw City Guard, can we keep helping those who need it most.

Goodness is the only thing that multiplies when shared.

Thank you for sharing it with Edward.