Help us to keep the momentum going!

Burkina Faso

According to the UN, it is one of the least developed countries in the world. It has one of the lowest values of HDI (Human Development Index). It amounts to 0.4, placing Burkina Faso on the 185th place among 188 countries.

  • 43.7% of the society makes less than 1.90 USD per day
  • the youth literacy index is 52.5%, which makes it one of the lowest in the world
  • only 37.7% people aged 15 or more can read and write
  • 80% of the employed population works in agriculture
We teach resourcefulness and the basics of farming to about


families from the village of Gourcy
We are training


women for the profession of a dressmaker


We got it!!! Finally, after two unsuccessful attempts, at a depth of 55m we have found WATER! With another borehole, many of the problems of the people of Gourcy will be solved.

“Not good. Yesterday’s drilling down to 80m brought no results. Today there was a second attempt, also down to 80m and again a failure. We will keep on looking.” Such alarming news was being received from Burkina Faso over the weekend. Not a drop was to be found at the sites designated by the researchers. More experts showed up on site and one pointed out a spot that our project managers had previously thought of in terms of: “it would be cool if the well could be right here”.

The third attempt, right at this spot, was a spectacular success, launching a fountain of water and mud from the borehole site onto the eagerly awaiting onlookers. So there we have it! Today the team on site is pumping out the water. What remains are laboratory tests as well as securing and finishing off the site. Such wonderful things can happen thanks to people who trust us. We bow down low to them!

We would like to be able to share more success stories here, because thanks to a victory like today’s, someone’s life will really change. Someone will get a job in a new part of the garden, and thus a chance to support and feed his or her family. Instead of taking the risk of emigrating, he or she will work hard to turn this part of the world green, ensuring a future for themselves and their family.

Every life saved, every human story that is brought to the side of good is a success for us. Every such success needs its patrons. We send a total of about 275,000 PLN a month to all the locations, not counting the medical supplies we buy and send from Poland. Our social media reach, which is being truncated, and the frantic exchange rate of the dollar require even more effort from us to keep this production of good in the world at the same level. In order to send as much support as before to all our locations before the end of the month, we need to collect the little over 51 thousand PLN of which we are short by 20 February. The fundraising continues! We only have you and thousands of people like you. Help us to keep the momentum going!

We need to dry out the buildings as quickly as possible

Urgent help for flood victims

The most vulnerable are the elderly and disabled, living in remote rural areas and small towns, where reaching them is difficult. You’ll be informed about every penny spent to help them. 100% of the funds raised will go directly towards targeted, precise aid tailored to the needs of those affected.

read more

We already have :
148,295 EUR
We need:
111,111 EUR