The Ukrainian children from Lwiątko have returned to the orphanage in Zhytomyr


On the 24th of February 2022, Russia launched a military offensive into Ukraine, causing civilian casualties and destroying the country’s infrastructure. More than a quarter of the population has been forced to flee their homes. In the first few weeks, more than 4.3 million refugees fled Ukraine, and a second as many were internally displaced. It is the fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II.

We cannot be indifferent to the suffering of our neighbours – we immediately set out to help!

We provided humanitarian assistance for


Ukrainians who stayed in the country


The 55 children who took refuge in the Lwiątko rural kindergarten at the beginning of the war, and to whom YOU provided security in the form of food and solutions to everyday problems, are now safely back in their home in Zhytomyr. As we had promised, we stayed with them until the very end!

The Lwiątko kindergarten is a small building in the middle of the Ukrainian countryside. Its principal offered the children from Zhytomyr a roof over their heads but could not afford anything else. When we visited them, it was clear that the next factory of good would be built right here, because apart from a roof, they needed food, clothes, cleaning products and basically everything.

The only belongings with which the children from the orphanage in Zhytomyr fled the bombs were their stories, as tragic and sad as the war itself. When they had finally been placed in a centre that was supposed to provide them with safety and professional help following domestic violence, Russian rockets fell on neighbouring buildings. They had to flee and hide for over two months in the western part of the country.

The home in Zhytomyr survived and the safety situation has improved enough for the children to return. They will be followed by one more of our shipments, carrying a supply of milk, clothes and shoes for the spring, so that we can bring one more smile to their faces. The children from Lwiątko are now back at home, and we are off to our next tasks. You will soon find out where we will be producing more good.

Will we ever meet the children from Lwiątko again? We have been invited to visit them in Zhytomyr, which we will soon do. They have also promised to keep in touch. They know that whenever they need something, we are ready to help.