We Were with Nema Until the Very End...

Democratic Republic of Congo

The second largest country of Africa, full of paradoxes. On one hand, it is rich in natural resources (including cobalt, copper, coltan, crude oil, diamonds, gold); on the other hand, its inhabitants are among the poorest in the world. For decades, the DRC has been suffering from prolonged conflicts that have led to one of the most severe humanitarian crises in the world.

  • 77% of the population live in extreme poverty for less than $1.90 a day
  • 16% of the country’s population, i.e. over 13 million people, require immediate humanitarian assistance
  • 13,6 million people are deprived of access to safe water sources and proper sanitary and hygienic facilities
  • numerous outbreaks of deadly diseases, including measles, malaria, cholera and Ebola
  • about 10% of all malaria deaths in sub-Saharan Africa occurred here
Our hospital carries over

27 000

medical procedures per year
We treat about


malaria patients every year
Our midwives delivered about


babies in 2023


Not every story about our patients has a happy ending. Life can be brutal. Sometimes it knocks you down for a moment. Around us, a war is raging, while we fight daily battles to save the lives of patients in our hospital. The staff did everything they could for Nema. Be with them in your thoughts today. And be proud of yourselves.

Nema was admitted to the hospital in Ntamugenga at an advanced stage of cancer. We operated on her immediately. We sent biopsy samples to Rwanda for testing and consulted experts in Tanzania and South Africa. Despite borders being closed due to armed conflict, we managed to transport Nema to Uganda. The laboratory in Kampala helped us develop a treatment plan.

Everything we did for Nema was beyond the reach of medical facilities throughout the entire North Kivu province. Oncology here is almost non-existent. Outside the provincial capital Goma and our Ntamugenga, which share the only oncologist in the province, the fight against cancer is usually doomed to failure and results in death in excruciating pain.

We didn’t save Nema, but until the very end, she felt cared for, did not suffer, and was surrounded by professionals who saw her not as just another case, but as a person deserving the utmost care.

The story of cancer treatment in the middle of a war-torn jungle is a story of never giving up. All the costs of tests, transport of samples, and care for our wonderful patient were covered by you! You are a unique group fighting for life alongside the doctors, nurses, and lab technicians at the hospital in Ntamugenga.

Urgent Help Needed

Save the Pharmacy for the Poorest in Togo

This amount will allow for equipping pharmacy shelves for the first half of the year. Ania and Mateusz will take care of this, and they will fly to Togo in February and fill the shelves with the most essential antibiotics, antimalarial drugs, and pain relievers. The Saoudé Pharmacy has people to save. It cannot succeed without your support.

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We already have :
3,422 EUR
We need:
6,667 EUR