Six-month-old twins James and Jemima, rescued by you last month.

Feeding a child is just the beginning. Put an end to hunger. For good.

Seeing a child suffer is unbearable. Did you know that you can end it today? Feed the child and provide education for their parents.


We know how to ensure that a rescued child never suffers from hunger again.

  • As children are weighed and fed, parents undergo a practical course in basic nutrition and agriculture. We teach them to cultivate edible plants that thrive in hot and dry climates. At the same time, working in our garden serves as a form of payment for the nutritional therapy received by the child.

  • After the therapy, we encourage parents to establish a home garden. Upon leaving the nutrition center, they know how to grow vegetables and prepare well-balanced meals.

  • Our staff conducts unannounced weight checks on children. These assessments extend beyond nutrition – we also examine children for any developmental issues.


“That sounds great, but I still have a few questions…”

If you haven’t found the answer to your question here, please write to us at [email protected]. We will respond within 48 hours.

What percentage of my donation goes to children in need?


Last year, we managed to cover all the operating costs of the Foundation from donations for statutory purposes, which is why we were able to allocate 100% of project-related donations directly to on-site help!

Are the funds collected intended for the child I see on this page?


Our nutrition centers in Ntamugenga (Congo DR) and Kaédi (Mauritania) together admit up to 165 children weekly. Your support not only helps the child whose story we share on this page but also many other children in need of nutritional therapy.

Can I cancel my monthly support at any time?


Of course! Just send us an email. You don't need to justify your decision in any way. However, we encourage you to continue following our social media channels so you can see how the children are growing up healthy thanks to your support!

Is it possible to receive a refund for my donation?


You have a week to determine whether your donation will remain at the nutrition center. We are aware that one’s circumstances may change. Should you wish to request a refund for your donation, please send us an email within a week of your donation.

We need to dry out the buildings as quickly as possible

Urgent help for flood victims

The most vulnerable are the elderly and disabled, living in remote rural areas and small towns, where reaching them is difficult. You’ll be informed about every penny spent to help them. 100% of the funds raised will go directly towards targeted, precise aid tailored to the needs of those affected.

read more

We already have :
143,577 EUR
We need:
111,111 EUR