Help a little girl utter her first sentence

Speech therapy for Gisele

We already have
499 EUR
We need
1,561 EUR
The action has been supported by: 52 people

Burkina Faso

According to the UN, it is one of the least developed countries in the world. It has one of the lowest values of HDI (Human Development Index). It amounts to 0.4, placing Burkina Faso on the 185th place among 188 countries.

  • 43.7% of the society makes less than 1.90 USD per day
  • the youth literacy index is 52.5%, which makes it one of the lowest in the world
  • only 37.7% people aged 15 or more can read and write
  • 80% of the employed population works in agriculture
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We treat

Gisele won’t say the words every mother wants to hear. The nine-year-old can show her affection with a gesture. A firm hug until her mother is breathless. But one fit of terrifying detachment is separated from another only by a poignant silence, or a sound that is an attempt to communicate but takes on no form.

Gisele’s mother has not been able to find the reason why Gisele does not speak and experiences seizures during which she falls, becomes rigid and cries. Lack of money for diagnostics meant that she could only wait for the seizures to pass. We could not accept such powerlessness.

Thanks to your support, we were able to start the diagnostic process right away. Countless tests – neurological, imaging (MRI and EEG – all in Burkina Faso!), ENT, speech therapy paid off.

What have we established?

  • The girl suffers from epileptic seizures, so we immediately put her on medication to stop them!

  • We suspect an autism spectrum disorder, which we are monitoring and further diagnosing

  • The lack of speech is not due to neurological problems. Gisele also has excellent hearing (and this is great news!)

So what’s the plan?

Gisele needs the support of a speech therapist who will patiently, from scratch, teach her to utter words. Once a week, our cheeky girl gets provisions from us, goes to class and patiently practices her speech, quickly making progress. We have not forgotten about neurological care either: epileptic seizures can return at any time.

We want to provide Gisele with a minimum of three months of speech therapy and neurological care.

How can you help?

Gisele’s therapy, all the travel, provisions, neurological check-ups and medicines cost money. Prices in Burkina Faso are not far from Polish prices. If you want to help Gisele say the most beautiful words in the world: make a small donation – even if it is the equivalent of a sandwich for the road. We know that together we can do it!

Little Gisele’s treatment costs

  • A set of educational materials for one year: £211
  • One-to-one classes with a speech therapist: £106
  • Transport to classes (each time): £141
  • Refreshments for the journey (sandwiches, water): 15 zł

The amount of the fundraiser (PLN 7023) corresponds to three months of therapy with a speech therapist, including educational materials, transport and provisions for all days of classes.