Power of Easter - for Mauritania

We already have
6,480 EUR
We need
6,444 EUR
The action has been supported by: 360 people


A country in northwestern Africa bordering the Atlantic Ocean, in the Sahel zone. Mauritania is mostly covered by the sands of Sahara (in more than 80%). It is the fourth most sensitive country in the world in terms of climate changes. The recurring cycles of long-term drought (resulting in degradation of natural resources) and the aggravating water deficit additionally contribute to lack of food safety, from which the country suffers. Although it is populated by only 4.4 million people, it is a classic example of the problem of hunger caused by poverty and insufficient production of food.

  • one of the poorest countries in the world – in some of its regions, people live off less than 1.25 USD per day
  • due to the food deficit, the country has to import 70% of its food
  • 21% of children below 5 years of age suffer from chronic malnutrition
  • 8% of the population in the dry season – which lasts even 6 months – copes with lack of food security
In 2024, we helped


children suffering from hunger or moderate malnutrition
We also provided medical care to about

a dozen

people with disabilities

Easter is not about indulging oneself and satisfying hunger. We celebrate the greatest holiday of Christianity primarily by sharing with others. We invite our loved ones to the table. The symbolism of the table and food hides the most important symbols of these holidays. Food signifies life.

In West Africa, there is no tradition of blessing food. The traditional Easter egg is also not the most important here.

“In Senegal, the custom during the Holy Week is to share traditional ‘Ngalakh’. It’s a kind of dessert consisting primarily of couscous made of millet, a thick sauce of peanuts, and flour from baobab fruit. Each family has its own unique recipe. They add raisins and other fruits,”

says Sister Ewa, headmistress of a vocational school for girls in Dakar.

Ngalakh is prepared on Holy Thursday. It’s prepared but not eaten. Only after the Passion Play, after the burial of Jesus, Christians gather and in the spirit of mourning share Ngalakh with Muslims.

Everywhere in the world, the Easter table and celebration are about sharing, about giving each other attention, care, and support.

We recently returned from Senegal and Mauritania. There is no doubt that we’d like to invite the young beneficiaries of the nutrition centers in Kaédi and Atar to our table, to share life with them. They are the ones who need our care and life-giving food the most. Every €4 donated here is one day of nutrition for a child. Give them Easter full of life!