
Pharmacy in Saoudé


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The country is very underdeveloped economically. The basis of its economy is agriculture, generating around 40% of the GDP and employing around 60% of the working population. Togo is among the countries with the lowest level of social development.

  • poverty is everywhere, especially in the rural areas, where around 69% households live below the threshold of poverty
  • the basic factors that lead to poverty are: lack of food security, insufficient access to health care, unemployment and insufficient number of jobs, especially among the younger generation
Every year, the pharmacy helps around



We treat
How does the pharmacy work?

The pharmacy in Saoudé is managed by a lay missionary, Małgosia Tomaszewska, sent to Africa by our foundation. Małgosia is doing a great job here. She lives in the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, and she takes care of the Gourcy farming project. She comes to Saoudé regularly to supervise the pharmacy under the exotic name of saint an Alsatian monk.

The region is extremely poor. The mountains, a harsh climate and the nearby desert bring the Harmattan, blowing from December until February, which brings plenty of red dust that covers everything. The people can’t afford any medications, so they come to St. Fridolin with their prescriptions from paramedics (which sometimes means a one-way walk of more than ten kilometers), and they get everything they need here – the standard payment is… a bowl of corn, sorghum or some other cereal. This food is collected and distributed among those who have nothing to eat in the dry season. The pharmacy in Saoudé is open 5 days a week for everyone.