A day of learning at a vocational school


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Category: We teach
Place: Senegal – Foyer s. Maria Goretti School for Girls

In the early 2017, we commenced our support for the vocational school for girls in Dakar, Foyer s. Maria Goretti, ran by Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. The school offers a two-year curriculum for 56 girls and young women aged 17 to 23. They are inhabitants of nearby villages, poor districts of Dakar, daughters of economic migrants from Guinea-Bissau. The Franciscan school offers them a huge opportunity, as the diploma of Foyer makes it practically certain that they will be able to get a job. It is their chance to escape poverty, further emigration (also to Europe), a chance for stability necessary to establish a family…

We want to enrich the school curriculum by introducing great new subjects, help the sisters in renovation of the dormitory and the labs and provide solid teaching aids to allow all course participants to gather as much knowledge as they can before they start living on their own!



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