Modern irrigation system

For the past two years we’ve been working on improving our vegetable garden, irrigating the soil, planting trees and experimenting with new vegetable crops. This has allowed us to provide jobs for people affected by climate change and desertification of the surrounding lands.
In the face of decreasing amount of available water, we want to minimize losses resulting from manual water intake from the well and less effective watering with watering cans by installing a pump system that pumps water directly under plants, maintaining the desired humidity of the terrain and dividing the resources evenly across its entire surface. The system is one hundred percent environmentally friendly. We harness energy from the sun (which isn’t lacking here) to minimize the loss of water, which in the future will be worth more gold here.
Covering 1.2 hectares with this irrigation system will cost 82,000 PLN – or 7 PLN per 1 square meter of our garden.