Help for refugees from Myanmar


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Category: We feed
Place: Bangladesh – Rohingya camp

During a showcase operation by Burmese generals under the slogan of an “anti-terrorist operation,” which was nothing more than an ethnic cleansing of the Muslim Rohingya group, an unimaginable tragedy took place in the village of Tula Toli. Soldiers entered the village in the afternoon, burning houses and destroying them with grenade launchers. Men were executed, women were raped and beaten unconscious. Hundreds of villagers, including many children, lost their lives.

Those who survived recount scenes from the worst nightmares—multiple rapes, having their loved ones murdered before their eyes, and people being burned alive. Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh have no citizenship rights, not even the right to leave the camp. Each person in the camp receives vouchers, which are not enough to cover full meals. That is all. They must earn the rest on their own, but many are unable to work. Many were wounded during the violence or are caring for children. Some, overwhelmed by the trauma of the massacres, are afraid to even leave their shelters. It is precisely those most vulnerable people that we support.

We cannot restore their rights or grant them citizenship, but we can help rebuild their dignity, reduce hunger, and alleviate suffering.

We want to support those who have managed to survive. These people have escaped from hell, they have seen too much in this world, and they have suffered too much.

What we do for the Rohingya:

  • We enrich their diet by providing funds for additional food supplies
  • We strengthen bodies weakened and injured by their oppressors and fund medical treatment
  • We help equip their shelters with basic necessities, many of which provide safety for women (e.g., flashlights)
  • We fund the education of their children and grandchildren

Frequently Asked Questions

What % of my donation will go towards aid?

Your entire donation, minus a small payment processing fee (PayU/PayPal), will be used for aid and does not serve as a source of income for the Good Factory Foundation. If you’d like to support the Foundation’s statutory goals, click here.

Can I support those in need without giving my personal information?

We have provided an online form for your convenience, partly so that we can send you donation confirmations at the end of the year for tax deduction purposes. However, if you wish to support those in need via a traditional bank transfer, you can use the following account numbers:

Account for payments in PLN: 45 1090 1883 0000 0001 2390 7365

Account for payments in EUR: 84 1090 1883 0000 0001 2398 7852

Account for payments in USD: 46 1090 1883 0000 0001 2398 7857



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