Disinfectants for fighting cholera


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Category: We treat
Place: Democratic Republic of Congo – Hospital in Ntamugenga

Cholera, if untreated, kills within hours – yet all it takes is proper rehydration and antibiotics to save the patient’s life. Help us supply the hospital with basic supplies to extinguish the cholera outbreak, which also takes a toll among the youngest.

As part of the hospital in Ntamugenga, the nutrition center regularly feeds children who come to us in extreme states of malnutrition. Cholera poses a deadly threat to them.

Disinfectant liquids are currently one of the most desired products in our hospital, where the number of patients increases every day. We have weakened children coming to our nutrition center, often suffering from malnutrition – here, proper hygiene is particularly important to quickly halt further infections! Your support allows us to purchase one large (5 liters) disinfection liquid to disinfect all hospital surfaces.

Frequently Asked Questions

What % of my donation will go towards aid?

Your entire donation goes directly towards aid and is not a source of income for the Good Factory Foundation. If you’d like to support the Foundation’s statutory goals, click here.

Can I support those in need without giving my personal information?

We have provided an online form for your convenience, partly so that we can send you donation confirmations at the end of the year for tax deduction purposes. However, if you wish to support those in need via a traditional bank transfer, you can use the following account numbers:

Account for payments in PLN: 45 1090 1883 0000 0001 2390 7365

Account for payments in EUR: 84 1090 1883 0000 0001 2398 7852

Account for payments in USD: 46 1090 1883 0000 0001 2398 7857



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